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Since most of the bigger discoveries were made already I lay content making smaller ones. Like the snooze alarm built into the rooster is set for exactly half an hour. A dog howling in the mountains is interpreted in many ways, some even borders the supranatural; but the truth is that they are actually booing the rooster down. The howling followed by barking is a threat to shut the fuck up probably followed by a warning never to cross paths in the village square. Nevertheless the rooster continues with his

Traveling together is a benchmark of compatibility. I know at least five dating couples who decided to move in together as they found they were still pining for each other at the end of each trip. More than onism dawning, it is the realisation that you have made some ground together. Yes, if anything can go wrong, it will when you are tripping together – trapped together, literally, for days on end. Across flights and ships, buses, trains and cars, over several thousand kilometres, many different cultures and peoples, types of

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